Volume 18 Issue 1, 2003

Seagulls on the Airstrip: Indigenous Perspectives on Cyclone Vulnerability Awareness and Mitigation Strategies for Remote Communities in the Gulf of Carpentaria

Eddie McLachlan

Peer-reviewed Article

Archived Article


On the northern coast-line of Australia, during the annual Australian wet season period–from November to March – residents of coastal towns and cities are aware of the dangers posed by natural hazards. In the area stretching from the northern west coast region of Western Australia, to the south-east corner of the Queensland coast, weather-wise, the most potentially dangerous hazard is tropical cyclones (Johnson et al 1995, Bryant 1991). Much research on tropical cyclones concerns associated effects, focusing on property damage, storm surge, floods and financial ramifications (King et al 2001, Smith 2001, Granger et. al. 1999). It is expected these hazards will continue to be the subject of future research studies, because apart from their frequency, they are also relatively predictable, and the associated dangers can be avoided with appropriate preparation.